Thursday, January 14, 2010

Guitar Techniques

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If you want to increase your ability as a guitar player there are some simple techniques you should practice. The best guitar players in the world use these techniques you should give them a try too.
I find that being able to create a variety of sounds from my guitar gives me a sense of satisfaction in knowing that I can implement these techniques when improvising (making it up as I go.)

One technique is called the HAMMER-ON. This is achieved by picking the first note then hammering say two frets up.
Lets try putting your index finger on the 6th string at the 5th fret, pick this note only, then hammer the 7th fret (same string) with your ring finger. Practice this using different positions on the fretboard and different strings.

Another technique is called the PULL-OFF or FLICK-OFF. This is picking the first note then pulling the second note at a lower fret.
Lets try placing your index finger on the 5th fret, 6th string. also place your ring finger on the 7th fret, 6th string.Pick the note, then immediately  remove the ring finger leaving the index finger in place. Try this in other positions on the fretboard and on other strings.

There are more techniques that I will be covering soon.
The best tip I can give any aspiring guitar player is PRACTICE.
This is a great book to get you on your way Jamorama

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